So, as I was prepping for Hip surgery, I had QUITE a bit of shopping to do. Below is my original list with some notes... So grateful to Mom, Dad, and others who came through and helped me get these items :-)
Pillows of all shapes a sizes
This was essential. Oh my gosh, sleeping is such a booger when you have a shark bite in your side!
Heating Pads
I read on all the websites to get heating pads, but was actually cautioned NOT to use them because it doesn't help with swelling. I definatley needed them for my lovely monthly visitor during recovery. Period pain is way worse when you are recovering from hip surgery!
Ice Packs: Gel or super soft, Large and small sizes
This is probably the one thing I couldn't have survived without. When the pain pills wear off this is the only way to go for relief. It is important to have lots of sizes because random places hurt.
Screw shoes.
Socks with "grippies" on the bottom
Again, screw shoes.
Very large full butt panties
OR no panties. My scar was covered by the steristrips for 3 solid weeks but I just didn't want anything touching it. Its a lot easier to pull on granny panties too!
Very large drawstring shorts or pants
Or no pants. So many nightgowns and dresses during recovery! Thankful for nice weather during my surgery. Can't imagine if it had been super cold or super hot!
Scar Gel
A friend of mine gave me Defining Gel from It Works and it really does well! I have never used any other product so I don't have much of a comparison, but this stuff works well and smells yummy!
Vitamin E Oil
I never bought any and I'm still here... so.....
Grabby Extender
Essential! especially for easily frustrated fools like me.
Cleaning Body Wipes or Baby Wipes.
Very important! Liked have some with and without alcohol because your skin does weird things during recovery. My normally dry skin was oily a bunch because of less showering and the alcohol wipes made me not have to shower as often.
Face Wipes
Dry Shampoo
I used this less than I thought I would, because it turned out that I gave no fucks about what my hair looked like.
Swatches of different textured fabrics (this is to rub on my leg/hip to stimulate the nerves and help healing)
Didn't do this, but am making one now for my RPAO. Still having some weird nerve numbness and tingling at 10 weeks post op.
Walker Organizer
We ended up finding me a walker with a seat, so this wasn't necessary. I LOVED this walker though.... it really made me be able to live life a little!
Again, super important because of all my accouterments I must always have.
Didn't stick with this as much as I wanted and ended up healing just fine. But this was all I ate for a few weeks while the pain pills were messing me up!
Low Carb, High Protein, High Fiber Foods
Oh yeah. So much protein! So much fiber. Pooping is near impossible without the fiber, and my energy level was always SUPER low.
Another important thing that was not on the original list....
RECLINER! It was the only way I could sleep and I didn't transition back to my bed until week 6 or so.
Hope that my little list will help any hippies out there who are starting to pack. Happy Shopping!!!